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Building Confidence as a Model

Photo by Nikki Sepasyar

Some view modeling as a career with two sides- bold and unforgiving. It’s inevitable that each and every model will have to face their own experiences that shape what modeling means to them- however we’ve provided some tips to help with the journey.

» You have to want it with everything you have.

The Modeling Industry is a competitive one- and you can have jobs taken from you in the blink of an eye, just because you don’t have the “right” sized waist. You have to realize what you are signing up for, and be able to tackle it head on. That being said, it can be an eyeopener and a lot of fun as well! If you can’t imagine a world without modeling, that’s how you know it’s right for you. Just make sure that you remember how much you really want it, and no one can take that away from you.

» Accept constructive criticism

A lot of times it can seem that the critiques you get are insults to your physical appearance. It’s important to be able to decipher the difference between what is said with a growth mindset or a restrictive mindset. Agents and anyone else behind the camera has one goal- which is to ensure there is a specific and desired external image captured. Meaning, that it could be hard for them to consider anything besides that.

» Know your worth and self esteem

Creating realistic expectations of what you are and are not willing to do when shooting will let you know what you’ve signed up for. Keep those expectations solid and unwavering, as that will help you the most in the industry. If you choose not to model in certain poses, don’t let the camera force you into anything, as you are the one with the control, not a camera.

» Listen to your gut.

Don’t ever talk yourself out of what your gut says, because chances are, it’s right. Having said that- have fun! Don’t worry too much about what other people think (even though the whole point of capturing the image is for others), more importantly, it’s about yourself. Your agent / brand you are modeling for has already chosen you because you fit their vision, and you are the model that they want. You just have to ensure that they are ready for you, and are willing to give you the time and patience that you deserve. So don’t settle for anything less!!

» Know it’s tough.

We just have to say it- it’s not an easy industry! However, it’s completely, entirely, possible to do wonderfully as well! Try your hardest, set clear boundaries, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Know that you and a million other people are fighting for the same shoot, and yes- it seems that one shift in a pose can define your entire modeling career, but you will find the brand/agency that wants you for what you have to offer.

» Choose the higher road when it comes to conforming.

Conforming to another expectation can serve you for the better, or for worse. Decide using your gut whether or not this is someone that has your best interests at heart, and whether they have a gain by telling you what they are telling you. Whether it be monatery, or they simply need you to sign with them, truly come to terms with yourself if they have something to gain, or if it really is for your benefit!


You chose this industry for you, so do it for you! The shoot is going to 100% reflect what you’re feeling, no matter how much or how little makeup you’re wearing, confidence is the most important part. Don’t be camera-shy! Put forth your best, and you’ll be rewarded in return!

Most importantly, give yourself the bigger and better advice. Don’t settle for what you know is less, be open to constructive criticism, not criticism to conform you. Have fun! Be yourself, and know why you chose the industry, because nothing can come before that!

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